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Jones Foundation is a private organization, and all the stakeholders including the executives, directors, partners, employees and other related entities are responsible for maintaining this website. However, we believe that the information presented on this site is solely based upon the facts and our projects done in various locations. However, no depiction or warranties of any nature whatsoever are given, projected, or implicated. It is solely based upon your discretion in the interpretation of the information mentioned anywhere in our blogs, social media posts, advertisements, blogs, and others. Our associates, employees, agents, contractors, successors, and assigns, renounce any liability for any loss, damage, or other injury resulting from its use.

All information on this website is general information only and is subject to change without notice. All these contents presented here should not be relied upon without verification as a substitute for legal, financial, real estate, or other expert advice. Jones Foundation disclaims all liability and responsibility, including for negligence, including any direct or indirect loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of any use of this website or any information or material available from it. The contents presented on this website, and other digital pages of the Jones Foundation including social media handles, blogs, and others are the intellectual property of this company and should not be used, produced, or copied by any means or in any form, without the prior permission.

Jones Foundation fully supports compliance with the principles laid out in the Real Estate and understands the disclosure statement requirements for each type of development property. The Company reserves the right to revise and alter the area, layout, specifications, and amenities mentioned on this website according to Government norms or any other advice from the industry's experts, and others. Users of the website are required to make their thorough inquiries and also verify the details of projects mentioned on the website, including but not limited to area, services, layout, specifications, amenities, and other terms mentioned on this website with the Company and should not be used, represented or mentioned by anyone, other than company's legal stakeholders.

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